

Privacy Settings yang salah dapat berpengaruh terhadap page views kita di Yuwie.
Hal ini tentu saja nantinya akan mempengaruhi $ yang akan kita dapat.

Coba cek lagi settingan anda (klik setting di control panel!),samakan dengan di bawah ini :

*Privacy Setting*

- Who can view your profile?[everyone]
- Who can send you a friend request?[everyone]
- Who can leave you comments?[only friends]
- Approve comments before they're posted?[No]
- Show your online status?[Yes]
- Show your age?[terserah anda]
- Show your location?[terserah anda]
- Who can invite you to clubs?[only friends]
- Who can send you massage?[only friends]

* Filter Settings *

Language :
- Filter language on all of Yuwie?[Yes]
- Filter language on my profile?[Yes]

- Filter HTML in massage to me?[No]
- Filter HTML in comment on my profile?[No]

Catat dulu kemudian samakan setting Anda persis seperti di atas itu!
Kalo ada kesulitan silahkan bertanya ke sponsor anda atau bisa juga kirim massage ke saya di Yuwie.
Salam Sukses!
Andra ~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, mas thx atas petunjuknya